
The program displayed in geektyper
The program displayed in geektyper

  1. #The program displayed in geektyper full#
  2. #The program displayed in geektyper code#

Developers need to remember that people are sensual beings, and our bodies are the best interfaces we have. The next generation of technology will bring new ways for people to get similar tactile experiences that we get when we touch objects or materials. The first interfaces were awkward keyboards and terminal, then came the mouse (which required the whole arm to move), then the touchpad (which we lovingly stroke with our fingertips), and then the touchscreen (which integrated display and touch). Every generation of computing becomes more tactile. In other senses, though, this is becoming less true. The interaction is as much social engagement - visitors interacting with each other - as it is about interaction with the program.Ĭyborg Anthropologist Andrew Warner said to me in an email that there’s a tendency in computing to think that we are becoming increasingly disembodied. These allow individuals to approach a table from any direction (or the two “long” sides) to interact together. We look to design applications that have elements that are omni-directional or symmetric. He said that in looking at these questions, issues such as the orientation of information and overall structure of the application become really critical: Does the application encourage collaboration? Is the application designed in such a way that multiple people can interact? Jim Spadaccini of Ideum, which makes large interactive displays, said in an email the primary consideration that his team thinks about is how multiple individuals interact together around a table.

#The program displayed in geektyper full#

Here’s the full talk he gave at Build, which includes a discussion about the types of devices we can expect from Microsoft going forward. The new devices we use will soon all have full multi-touch capabilities so a person can use all fingers and both hands to manipulate objects and create content. He said, for instance, developers need to think how people stand next to a large display, how high they have to reach and the way they use a stylus to write. That’s a pretty common requirement now, but the complexity will change entirely as we start seeing a far wider selection of devices in different sizes. Han talked about the need to think how people will interact with apps on a smartphone or a large display. I am including his perspectives as well as four others who have spent time researching and developing products that fit with these future trends. Microsoft General Manager Jeff Han gave developers at the Build Conference last week some advice for ways to think about building apps for this next generation of devices and displays. Meeting rooms will have touch panels, and chalk boards will be replaced by large systems that have digital images and documents on a display that teachers can mark up with a stylus. Tables, counters and whiteboards will eventually become displays. It will become more about the need to know how an app works while a person stands up or with their arms in the air more so than if they’re sitting down and pressing keys with their fingers. The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface.

#The program displayed in geektyper code#

Pushing this idea to the extreme, inversion of control leaves the context to inject the code with the specific implementations of the interface that will be used to perform the work. Programming to the interface reduces dependency on implementation specifics and makes code more reusable. The idea behind this approach is to base programming logic on the interfaces of the objects used, rather than on internal implementation details. The use of interfaces allows for a programming style called programming to the interface.

The program displayed in geektyper